Text or Call Ezra Ketola with any questions or for a quote 603-566-4187.
Efficient, Accurate and Fast
A typical residential project day starts at 6:30 am. For example with a residential home of 250 feet of wall, we setup and are ready by 8:15 am for the concrete pour. Then usually we are off site by Noon. Because of the technology we use with robotics laser we are efficient, accurate, and fast.
Recent Project
I poured a footer on the first day that was 600 feet. The next day a 400 foot wall was poured . At 12 o’clock on that day it was stripped and loaded and on day 3 the project was completed at 9:30 AM.
Text or Call Ezra Ketola with any questions or for a quote 603-566-4187 (cell). Or fill out the contact form to give us more details about your upcoming commercial foundation project.